Problem Identifier Unit Screen//v.w/ RR Template Root and Stem Rot

The plant may suddenly wilt and die, or it may die slowly from the top down. The leaves turn yellow, and overall growth is stunted. There may be lesions on the stems. The roots are decayed.

This disease is caused by a number of different fungi that live in the soil. They thrive in waterlogged, heavy soils. The fungi can attack the plant stems and roots directly or enter them through wounds. Infection causes the stems and roots to decay, resulting in wilting, yellowing leaves, and plant death. These fungi are generally spread by infested soil and transplants, contaminated equipment, and moving water. Many of these organisms also cause damping-off of seedlings (see Damping-Off).

Let the soil dry out between irrigations. (For more information on this technique, see Water Molds.) Improve soil drainage. (For more information about soil drainage, see Soil Types, Soil Structure and Groundwater.) Before planting next year, apply PCNB to the soil and work it in to a depth of 6 inches.

Related Links
Plant Care for Antirrhinum (Snapdragon)
Soil Types
Water Molds

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